Keeping the Right Frame of Mind

Why is My Husband So Critical of Me? 3 Realities You Must Understand

husband criticizing wife


I think at some point or another, every wife feels a little judged by her husband.

Maybe it’s in a moment when your two ways of seeing things collide, and he takes a self-righteous stance.

Maybe it’s in a moment where he corrects something you’re doing because it’s not the way he thinks it should be done.

Maybe it’s in a moment when he tells you that your reaction to a situation is uncalled for and just not the right way to feel.

I can say I’ve personally found myself in these situations many times over and they are hard to swallow.

Keeping the Right Frame of Mind

3 Critical Reminders When You Feel Judged by Your Husband

woman upset with husband


Do you ever find yourself feeling judged by your husband? Like his words pierce you at your core and make you feel like a horrible person who will never be able to get her life together?

I know I have.

But what I’ve come to understand is that sometimes, it’s not so much about the judgment that’s being thrown at us. In all honesty, it’s more about our inability to accept feedback we don’t find helpful and the burried shame that’s easily stirred up by just the right combination of words from our husband.

I think back to the other day when I told my husband Schubert about an expense I was considering.

Keeping the Right Frame of Mind

The Secret to Being Less Annoyed with Your Husband

How much of your day or week do you spend feeling frustrated, irritated or annoyed with your husband?

Think about it.

In a given day, how many things come up that trigger your impatience, criticism, and disagreement?

And after they come up, how long to you spend feeling mad or upset about it?

Do you believe there is a better way, a completely different way to feel in those situations that normally drive you to vent, go off and lose your temper?

Keeping the Right Frame of Mind

5 Things to do When Your Marriage is Falling Apart

couple having an argument
Every couple has their hot-button issues which can sometimes lead you to think your marriage is falling apart.

Almost every conversation leaves one or both of you feeling not so great about the exchange.

My husband and I are no different.

But one of my goals for my marriage this year is to communicate openly and honestly, and to be more in control of my emotions during difficult conversations.

Even though I’m studying this area daily, I still have my moments of falling down.

And on Thursday of last week, I had one of those moments.