Voices in Your Ear (Preview)

Hello there!

Thank you so much for agreeing to preview my new book, Voices in Your Ear: New Conversations to Transform Your Mind and Renew Your Marriage.

I’m so excited about this book and what I know it will do for those who read it.

This was a vision that God gave to me long ago, and I procrastinated and found every reason under the sun for why I was too busy or couldn’t get it done.

Then one day I just decided to stop with the excuses and to get to work.

And so here we are.

I’m scared.

I’m nervous.

I’m anxious.

I have no idea how all of this will play itself out.

But I’m trusting God the whole way in this journey.

And I’m excited to have you as part of my traveling crew.

Below is the link for you to access the full manuscript of the book. If you have the time to review it all, fantastic. If you have a moment to look through a couple of sections, great. Whatever time you can dedicate is truly appreciated.

I’d love your honest feedback and ask only that you share it on my Amazon listing so that others who come across the book can know what to expect. I personally value the reviews of others and it helps to confirm if that’s a purchase I want to make. I hope the words you will share in your review will touch the right person at the right time so that they can make an informed decision.

My only prayer is that this book will make its way to the hands of as many people who can benefit from it.

I know it will do just that. And I thank you in advance for the role you will play in making that happen.

You are so valued and I appreciate your support more than I could ever express.

Voices in your Ear Proof <– just click to download the file


Thank you again! I’m believing God for a miracle and can’t wait to see what He will do with this book!

