Keeping the Right Frame of Mind

Letting Your Husband Lead – 4 Truth that Make it Much Easier

couple walking together

Letting your husband lead is hard, especially when you have been used to leading all by yourself.

Accepting help from someone is difficult when you’re not entirely sure they have it all together themselves.

Allowing yourself to be guided by someone else’s decision-making when it’s not AT ALL the way you would do stretches you in ways that feel really uncomfortable.

Independence is a quality that’s ingrained in us at an extremely early age.

Keeping the Right Frame of Mind

3 Critical Reminders When You Feel Judged by Your Husband

woman upset with husband


Do you ever find yourself feeling judged by your husband? Like his words pierce you at your core and make you feel like a horrible person who will never be able to get her life together?

I know I have.

But what I’ve come to understand is that sometimes, it’s not so much about the judgment that’s being thrown at us. In all honesty, it’s more about our inability to accept feedback we don’t find helpful and the burried shame that’s easily stirred up by just the right combination of words from our husband.

I think back to the other day when I told my husband Schubert about an expense I was considering.