Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 62: Emotional Training

Today I would like to introduce the concept of Emotional Training. This concept can be compared to working out. You build muscles because you push yourself beyond what is comfortable and then the muscle gets stronger and bigger and you’re more lean. It is the same for emotional training. It is the idea that you are willing to push yourself past what feels comfortable in order for you to grow and for the growth of your marriage. The more expansive you are in your emotions, the more life you get to experience. The benefits are endless.

In this episode I share three powerful questions to ask yourself. Listen in to learn more.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 59: How to be EXTRAordinary During a Crisis

During times of crisis, who do you choose to be? During this episode I share 5 major distinctions between what is considered the “norm” or “ordinary” and how to rise and elevate yourself to the level of extraordinary.

No matter what is happening outside of you, you control how you respond and your thoughts about it all. Tune in and assess where you’ve been keeping yourself during the current health crisis we face as a world.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 58: How I Survived This Week

We are still navigating unprecedented times. This past week has been unexpected and for some extremely nerve-racking. As a wife and mother myself, I share some of the same concerns, questions and issues. This week I want to offer how I’ve personally been managing being at home, juggling work, homeschooling my kids, and interacting with my husband.

Tune in as I offer both the mindset and strategies I adopted to have an incredible week.

And if having my support is what you need right now, reach out today to schedule your complimentary call to discuss working together:

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 57: Processing the Worst Case Scenario

Things are very uncertain right now. If you are experiencing anxiety and worry this episode is for you. In it, I break down why you are feeling the way you feel, and what you most need to know in order to access a sense of peace. There are 5 specific things I recommend you focus on so that you don’t spiral into panic and despair. Tune in as I provide some of my most effective coaching tools to help you process worst case scenarios in these trying times.

Part of moving forward is in your ability to feel the emotions that you are experiencing. We cannot hide from negative emotions but we must manage them.

If you would like to work with me 1-on-1 to manage your emotions, schedule a complimentary call using this link:

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 56: How to Manage Your Mind

In this episode I’m sharing a 7 step process to manage your mind during stressful and anxiety-provoking situations. Whether it’s something in your marriage, or something related to the current health crisis, tune in and receive the tools you need to remain in a peaceful emotional state.

And if you are looking to hire a coach and want more of my help in doing this work more deeply, reach out for a complimentary consultation at

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 55: I Tried That and It Didn’t Work

We all have the tendency to tell ourselves the story that we are doing everything we can but that out efforts are not producing the result we want. If you ever felt like you are doing what you “should” be doing or that you’ve tried all you can and things are not working out as you expected in your marriage then this episode is for you.

I challenge you to look deep within and determine how committed you are to doing all that it takes. In this episode I share ideas for why you may not be getting the results you want, and what simple question you can ask yourself right now that would make all the difference.

And if you are looking to hire a coach and want more of my help in doing the things that work in improving your marriage, reach out for a complimentary consultation at

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 54: Pointless vs. Productive Pain: The Key to Healing Well

Most of us have heard the saying before that pain is inevitable. This is definitely true in marriages. We all have experienced disappointments, let downs or a mis-match of expectations that led to us grieving the loss of what we expected marriage to be like. When we don’t know the purpose of this pain this can be really difficult.

What I want to share with you today is how you can make your healing process from that pain more productive and purposeful. Press play and get ready for a powerful conversation.

If you are currently on a healing journey and you feel like you need coaching…you need my assistance, I invite you to reach out to explore what working together could look like. Visit for a free one-hour discovery call.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 53: Emotional Laziness

Today we will be exploring the concept of Emotional Laziness. And no, I’m not calling you lazy!

This is where you have the energy, the ability or the capability to do something but you are just not doing it. In other words, when it comes to your marriage, you prefer for your husband to take care of your emotional needs of connection, happiness, and value/meaning. This is something we are all conditioned to do. I will share 3 tell-tale signs for how to know if this is a problem for you, 3 reasons why it is a cycle that’s sometimes hard to break and most importantly, tips on how you can take action to meet those needs on your own.

If this episode resonated with you, let’s continue the conversation. Connect with me today at for a free 1-hour call to discuss how we can get you to grow from emotional laziness to emotional empowerment.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 52: What Are You Committed to Believing?

Today we will be exploring your thoughts. Your thoughts over time become deeply engrained beliefs that affect your perception and interpretation of reality. The very thoughts running through your mind can help to manifest the marriage/life of your dreams but first, you need to shift and control them.

I will be sharing with you some valuable tips on how to challenge your thoughts and current beliefs to change your perception about your life/marriage.

Press play and let’s get to work on creating thoughts that serve you.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 51: 3 Lessons I Learned from Quitting this Podcast

I hope that 2020 has been amazing for you so far. I believe that 2020 will be an awesome year. Everything you want is in your reach.

As you may have noticed, I took a hiatus from producing podcast episodes. It’s been a while but I’m back and it’s on and popping!

During my break, I learned a lot about myself and my decision-making process. I also realized that how you do one thing is the way you do everything. Today I want to share with you three lessons that this period of stepping away has taught me and how they apply to you and your marriage.

Before tuning in, I would like to extend to you a personal invite to my upcoming event. If you can be in New Jersey on March 7th, 2020, please join me at an all-day conference, The Well Made Women Event. Join me in becoming a Well Made Woman and experience life the way you were designed to live it. All details can be found at 

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 50: Why Being Stuck Can Lead to Change

In my experience as a coach, I find that when women come to me about an issue they are facing in their marriage, the issue is usually not new.  It’s been brewing for years. As a result, they feel stuck as if their marriage will never get better.
The great news is that being in this stuck place can be the best opportunity that you have to create change and transition your marriage into a journey and experience you can truly enjoy.
Listen in as I share some insight around how you can become unstuck, make progress and love your marriage again.
Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 49: 8 Years Married + 8 Big Lessons

Happy Anniversary to US!

Today as my husband and I celebrate our 8th year of marriage. We would like to spend some time in conversation with you to share 8 lessons that we have learned in our time as husband and wife.

This is a real conversation. Invite your husband to join you as you tune in for truth and honesty of what we feel marriage is and isn’t.  

I hope that this conversation will be insightful for you to hear a male perspective, highlight the differences and similarities in our reflections and give you insight into your own conversation with your husband.

And I would love to hear some of the lessons that you have learned in your own marriages. Leave a comment and let us know your own marriage takeaways!

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 48: 5 Steps to Love Your Marriage Again

I’ve got 2 BIG announcements/surprises for you this week! I’m not even going to give you a hint. You just have to listen in to hear them yourself.

But I will tell you that the content for this episode is so important for you to grasp. Every marriage has its ups and downs. And if you don’t absolutely love your marriage right now, I’m showing you the pathway to get back to that place. In this episode, I break down 5 very specific things you can start doing right now in order to improve your marriage. Listen in and think about which step you may need the most help with right now.

If you want my help taking this work further, and would like to have my perspective and guidance on your unique situation, then definitely reach out to schedule your complimentary call with me. Just visit to access my calendar and book your appointment. You’ll walk away with greater clarity on your issues, and an exact roadmap for how to create the shifts you would like.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 47: Your Thoughts Create Everything

One of the greatest ah-ha moments of my life is truly grasping the idea that your thoughts create everything about how you experience your life and marriage. We often look outside of ourselves and feel as though life happens to us. But I believe life is just happening and that we always get to choose our thoughts about it. When you truly realize the POWER of your thoughts to create EVERYTHING you experience, you are placed squarely in the driver’s seat and can have a more content, peaceful and enjoyable experience. Listen in as I prove to you why your thoughts create everything and the 3 most important things you can start adopting to make your experience in your marriage so much better.

If you need further coaching to grasp this concept, reach out to me and let’s explore what working together could look like. Visit

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 46: Guilt

Today we are talking about GUILT. We ALL feel it. We all act out of it. It’s a normal human emotion. The problem comes when we don’t know how to manage guilt in our lives. We over-extend ourselves, we get resentful when we feel taken advantage of, we sacrifice our needs for the needs of others. In this episode, I break down the dangers of excessive guilt and provide you with three concrete ways to better manage this emotion in your life. Tune in to hear how you can lift the burden of guilt in your life right away!

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 45: Check Box Sex

Today I want to ease us both into new, uncharted territory for this podcast episode. Yup, we are going to have the sex talk!

We will be discussing sex in the form of a checkbox. The reason for this topic in this format is because some of us may view sex as a task, an obligation or as a physical activity for just physical pleasure.

I want to offer you some solutions that can create a different sexual experience in your marriage if you are open to it. Listen in for 3 solutions to stop dreading and start enjoying sex with your husband.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 44: 5 Marriage Power Tools

In this episode, I share the 5 Marriage Power Tools everyone should have. As you work to improve and rebuild your marriage you want to focus on mastering these very specific things. Creating a happier marriage involves reducing tension and arguments, rebuilding friendship and creating emotional intimacy. Listen in as I show you exactly how to do that through the use of these power tools. Be sure to assess for yourself how you are doing with each one. And if you can use my help in mastering these tools, reach out for a complimentary call where we can talk more about what working together can look like.

Go here to schedule your call:

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 43: Conflict

Today we are talking about conflict in marriage. It’s something every marriage experiences and I believe it can be an extraordinary teacher. In this episode, I’ll share 5 specific ways that conflict can help you grow and actually strengthen your marriage if you allow it.
Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 42: Parallel Lives in Marriage

Parallel Lives in Marriage is a concept of separateness while living in the same home.

It may or may not include tension and conflict, but in most cases,  there is no passion or intimate connection.

This is a real phenomenon that is happening in many marriages and can be for short or long periods of time. It’s important to remember that marriage is a journey and it has seasons. In this episode I break down the most important thing for you to focus on in order to successfully navigate this phase of your marriage.

I also mention a free guide you can download that will spark meaningful conversation and connection.  Get it here:

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 41: Competition Matches in Marriage

Today we are talking about competition matches in marriage. I am sure that when you got married you never imagined that you would be in a competitive match. The goal was to create a unified life with your spouse and live a seamless life together. However, somewhere along the lines, you deterred from the same path.

Today we are discussing three extremely common competition matches that happen in marriage. Two of these matches are between you and your husband and one of them is with yourself.

Listen in as I explain what these matches are and how they affect your marriage. I hope that after listening, you will understand what’s really getting in the way of your happiness in your marriage and that you’ll have the tools and specific strategies you need to move you forward and become more in sync with your husband.