Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 9: The Set Up in Your Set Back

Today, we’re talking about setbacks in our life. I’d like you to get an example in your mind now of a time where you had a set back and felt like you were not making any progress. It can be in any area of your life. How did you see that situation? How did you feel? Did you ultimately find a solution to move you forward? In this episode, I’ll be sharing some of the perspectives and skills you need in order to ensure your set-back sets you up for even greater success. Join me in the conversation to take a second look at what you *think* is holding you back.  

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 8: How to Control Your Emotions

Today we are going to talk about how to control our emotions. I think as women we are very tuned into our emotions. We are very conscious of when we over react or when we’re in an emotion that we rather not feel. We have a very low emotional pain tolerance and so we spend a lot of time observing ourselves in negative emotions but don’t really know what to do to get ourselves out. I think the mistake that many of us make is that we tell ourselves the story that we’re just emotional people and that when certain situations happen we’re always going to respond in a certain way. We justify our emotions whether they serve us or not. The key to controlling our emotions is simple. If you consistently apply the technique I share, you’ll find it so much easier to maintain your peace and calm. Did I peak your interest? Listen to lean more.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 7: The Insider Secret to a Better Marriage

In this episode, I am spilling the tea on the insider secret to a better marriage. Many people think that they will experience a better marriage when communication improved, they have better interactions together, or more empathy and understanding from their husband. But none of those things will matter if you don’t first take care of this MAJOR thing first. Listen in to this episode where I share exactly what it is and how you can apply this principle to your life today

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 6: When You’ve Been Let Down

Today we are going to talk about being let down. Many of us have had the experience of being let down at some point in our life. I’m going to be speaking from the context of marriage. I want you to think of an instance where you felt let down because of your husband’s actions. A time where things did not go your way. An instance where an expectation was not met. A need unfulfilled. A desire not realized. Now hold on to that thought and feeling and let us take a journey to change our perspective on it. I want to introduce you to a perspective that doesn’t cause so much sadness and hurt and result in resentment between you and your husband. How do you handle being let down in ways that move you forward? Listen to learn how.

Keeping the Right Frame of Mind

Prayers for Your Marriage (Challenge)

You already know you should pray for your marriage on a consistent basis. But sometimes it seems like nothing is changing. Perhaps that’s because God’s waiting for you to pray for the right things.

I know this from personal experience.

The unraveling of my own marriage was not something that announced itself with the formality or grandeur of a symphony orchestra.

It was more of a quiet, consistent, side note. And an off-key on at that.

Slowly over time, other things took priority.

Keeping the Right Frame of Mind

Prayers for Your Marriage


You knew marriage would be work. But you never expected it to be this hard. Loving your husband right now seems like more work than you are willing to put in.

You are so disappointed by everything that’s going wrong.

The image you had of your life together has been destroyed by unmet expectations, heartbreak and conflict.

When you look at him or think of him, all you see is the ways he let you down and just isn’t the man you want anymore.

You’ve been praying for your marriage, hoping so badly that things would turn around.

And right now it seems like nothing is changing.

He’s no different, and your heart is hardening towards him.

You’re more impatient, irritable, and resentful.

You’re losing faith that things will ever be different.

I know EXACTLY how you feel.

The unraveling of my own marriage was something that devastated me to my core. We were once so happy and everyone saw us as the “perfect” couple.

Keeping the Right Frame of Mind

What to Pray for Your Marriage So that God Answers

You already know you should pray for your marriage on a consistent basis. But sometimes it seems like nothing is changing. Perhaps that’s because God’s waiting for you to pray for the right things.

I know this from personal experience.

The unraveling of my own marriage was not something that announced itself with the formality or grandeur of a symphony orchestra.

It was more of a quiet, consistent, side note. And an off-key on at that.

Slowly over time, other things took priority.