
Great Communication in 1 Simple Step


One of the most common issues in marriages and relationships is the issue of communication. Maybe you can relate to one of the following sentences:

We just don’t communicate.

He doesn’t understand me.

I don’t understand him.

It seems like we are speaking two different languages.

He never communicates.

The funny thing is, we are communicating all of the time. Communication is just as much about what is actually said as what is unsaid. It’s in our tone, our assumptions, our agendas, our actions and our non-verbal cues. Not just the words that come out of our mouth.

And in my opinion one of the most important key to great communication is LISTENING.

You probably think you are a good listener. And although many times you may be multi-tasking, you hear what your husband says and can restate the main points of much of what he tells you. I always thought I was a great listener until I heard a recent talk on the subject by Dr. Neha Sangwan. There are several levels of listening that go by a variety of names. Quickly, I’ll share the gist of it with you here.

The 1st level is closed listening where you really don’t want to hear what the other person has to say. Been there, done that. Had that argument before and not interested in having it again. You’ve probably already made up a story in your own mind about what he’s saying, and nothing will really change your mind. You’re probably not giving your full attention, nor making eye contact. It’s not listening at all.

The 2nd level is listening with your head, where basically you are listening only to make your point and counter what the other person is saying. You are gathering together your thoughts in response to what he’s telling you and do not pause long enough to consider the message he is trying to convey. I will admit for myself (and you), guilty as charged.

The 3rd level of listening is listening for information. You are paying attention, and may be gathering facts that will inform or answer some question. In our home this looks like making plans or listening to the details of each other’s day.

Now, here’s where it gets good, so pay attention.

The 4th level is listening with your heart. This one struck me the most. Here you are listening to what is being said for the purpose of connecting with what your husband is feeling. What are the emotions behind what he’s saying, even if he can’t articulate them himself? Listen for emotions like sadness, frustration, confusion, overwhelm, disappointment, loneliness. Ironically, these are often the emotions that we women feel when we are in conflict. He feels them too and is expressing them to you, if you can just listen. So to do so, constantly ask yourself and get ready to hear what he is feeling.

This will require you to slow down, give your full attention, and put your own agenda aside. What’s also effective is to play back what you heard before you actually respond. You can say something like, “ok, I hear that you feel…” or “it seems like you are…” or “I’m sorry you feel…” In listening to my clients and for myself, sometimes that’s all you want the other person to say. The simple acknowledgement of what you are feeling makes a world of difference. The funny thing is that it would make a world of difference to your husband too – even if he doesn’t ask, or is aware that it does.

The 5th type of listening is listening for what he values or cares about. If you are arguing about money, perhaps what he’s really trying to communicate is a worry or fear that you won’t have financial security when you need it most, or that it’s important to him that your family have all of the things you really need, even if that means you forego some of the things you want right now. Listening for what he values, will also require that you be patient, and open to receiving what he’s sharing. You do not take offence or focus in on what you are feeling, but tune in to him. Then play it back.

So, I know you may be asking, “But what about me? What about the times where I just want to be heard?”

You certainly are entitled to your time too. But the problem is, in marriages and relationships where you are not listening to each other, where the communication is poor, one person has to make the first step in turning things around. It’s likely that you’ve build up a lot of baggage over the years, and that when you and your husband come to any conversation, there is a lot of background noise in your head and his head based on past experiences, upset, disappointment and frustrations. In those times, it’s really hard to listen and it’s hard to be heard.

What’s really important there is to begin to unpack your bags, get rid of the resentment and other issues standing in the way of the relationship with each other you both want. And it can start with you.

I know deep down you want a relationship with your husband where you are communicating effectively, where you argue less and really enjoy spending time together. Where you feel heard, appreciated and cared for. And you deserve that.

Let’s talk about how to get there. This month, I’m offering a FREE Marriage MakeOver Coaching Session. It’s 30 minutes on the phone. Me and you. You’ll tell me what’s happening, and I’ll share some simple strategies to help you. Learn more about this FREE Marriage MakeOver Coaching Session HERE.



5 Reasons to Stop Talking to People about Your Marriage


He really got on your nerves this time. You are so angry you don’t know what to do.

You can’t believe this has happened. You are completely and totally devastated.

How could he be so inconsiderate? Does he ever think about anyone but himself?

Where did you go wrong? How did things get so off track?

We’ve all had those moments.

When you honestly have no idea what to do.

When you desperately need someone to talk to.

When you need to vent and just get things off your chest.

When you just need a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear.

In those moments, who do you reach out to?

Your closest friend?

Your mom?

Your sister?

Your co-worker?

You can trust them, right? They can give you objective advice, right? You’ll feel better after talking to them, right? Right?

I’m not so sure.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned and that I help other women see is that talking about your marriage with other people rarely helps you solve anything. In fact, it is probably doing more harm than good. Here are 5 reasons I suggest you stop talking to other people about your marriage, right now:

1. You are making up a story.

Now let’s be honest. How often do you call your girlfriend to say, “Can you believe how amazing my husband is? He just melts my heart and does everything right!!” The truth of the matter is, when we reach out to talk about our marriage to friends or family members, it’s usually to complain. We have an issue or problem, our feelings are hurt, or we are really angry. We call the one person we know will always be on our side, who will make us feel better about our position, who will sympathize and empathize, and then tell us about how her husband does the same crazy nonsense. What you may realize is that you are creating a story – your version of reality, that’s embellished by your thoughts and feelings. And the person on the other end of the conversation is your co-author. Together, you craft an amazing plot of how you are right and he is wrong, and build up more and more evidence to create the ending you want. We all know that there is his side, our side, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. But most times, our view of what’s happening is greatly influenced by the thoughts or story we tell ourselves about the situation, resentments that have built up from the past, and the assumptions and meaning we give things. We don’t just focus on the facts, but create our own version of the facts. These stories, page by page, become our reality and when we get others to co-author our stories, it becomes much easier for our husbands to become the antagonist (the opposition) rather than the protagonist (someone we can empathize with).

2. Your friends and family always have their own agenda.

You may think that when you reach out to others, that they can be objective and help you gain some perspective. But the reality is that everyone has an agenda, whether they know it or not. That agenda is colored by their own experiences, their history, their thoughts and opinions, and their feelings about you and your husband. Most times, their agenda is to support you and make you feel good. And that’s not a bad thing! But when you go to them complaining, they can’t help but want to be on your side. In doing so, you may be missing an opportunity to grow and see things in a new way that could open up wonderful doors to your marriage. You know the saying, “birds of a feather flock together”. Your friends and family are likely to think about things in similar ways you do. And it’s likely that the issues you face in your marriage are influenced by thinking and doing things the same way you have always done. To have the breakthrough you probably want, you need to think, feel, and do something different. And sometimes you friends and family just don’t have that on their agenda.

3. People hold grudges, even when you’ve moved on.

When you unload your problems onto someone else, you may eventually move on, but they are still stuck with your baggage. If you share experiences where you were angry, hurt or frustrated by something your husband did, the natural tendency is for them to think negatively about him. That thinking doesn’t dissolve just because you are in a better place. Consciously or unconsciously, they are waiting for him to mess up again. And all they are left with are the words you used against him and the upset he “caused” you. And sometimes they hold on to the negative experiences you have as a way of making themselves feel better about their own problems. Sharing your issues is an automatic invitation to comparison. And rarely is comparing our problems to those of others a productive use of time.

4. Your spouse probably has most of the answers.

If you’ve ever wanted to know, “what do I have to do to get him to…” or “how come he always does…” or, “what will it take to make things better” there is one person you should consult. Your spouse. He knows what’s really going on, what’s getting in the way, and what he really wants from you. Perhaps he has a hard time communicating in a way you can truly understand. Perhaps you have not really been listening. Perhaps you have not really asked…nicely and with genuine curiosity. (And I don’t mean the “what the heck is wrong with you, or “why on earth would you do that???!!” type of asking.). I don’t have the answer for why you don’t have your answers and I’m pretty sure your friends and family don’t either. I do know there are ways to open the door to communication rather than shutting it down. When you reach out to someone besides your husband, you move one step farther away from him.

5. Your marriage is sacred.

Sometimes we forget that there is no other relationship as important as our marriage. You’ve made the most serious commitment to one person. To put them first, to honor them and respect them – in their presence and outside of their presence. I believe that marriage is a covenant between you, your husband and God. And because of that, you should be careful with your words. Don’t let the pressure to have something to say tempt you to share too much information about your marriage. When friends and family ask, how your husband is doing or what’s happening in your life, think long and hard about what you share. I love drama as much as the next girl, and I love to hear about drama happening for others, but my marriage drama stays at home. Now, I’m not suggesting you pretend that everything is wonderful when you are really struggling, but try to place some boundaries around the information you share. Instead of giving a play by play of your last argument, offer that you are working on some communication issues, and ask if your friend/family member has any resources to help you. Ask them to pray for you. After all, your relationships with those who care about you should look like a support system, not a gossip factory.

So, then, who do you talk to?? I believe that challenges in your marriage always offer the opportunity for you to grow, and for you and your husband to grow closer together. As a result, talking to each other, instead of about each other is always a great rule of thumb. If you need some help communicating effectively, or processing what’s been happening in your relationship in ways that are productive, you may want to reach out to a professional. Whether that’s a therapist or a relationship coach, you can find that listening ear and objective perspective in someone who’s experienced in moving you forward with practical and concrete steps to improve your situation. If neither of those work, then God help you!! (LOL!)

No, but seriously, there is real help for what you are going through. I believe a therapist or coach should provide you with specific action steps and tangible tools that will make a difference in your relationship. I believe you should talk about issues with the goal of solving them, not for the sake of placing blame. I believe there is always something within your control that can be changed to completely transform your experience. If you believe any of those same things, let’s talk.

This month, I’m offering a FREE Marriage MakeOver Coaching Session. It’s 30 minutes on the phone. I’m not your friend. I’m not your family. I have no agenda but helping you achieve yours. I’m not the co-author of your current story, but I’d love to guide you in creating a new one. And I’d love to be your coach.

Learn more about my free coaching session here ==> FREE COACHING 



3 Things I’d Say to Kris Jenner

caitlin jenner (2)

As Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner made her photographic debut to the world, many of us examined her images with extreme interest. We analyzed every detail of her appearance, made declarations of who she now resembled, and asked almost everyone we know if they had seen the pictures. I personally wish her well and hope that this new life will enable her to live authentically and full of joy.

At the same time, I find myself thinking so much about Kris Jenner, and what she must be feeling. Even though their marriage is long dissolved, she, the children, and the rest of the world must now officially say goodbye to the person once known as Bruce Jenner. He no longer exists. I’ve been thinking about that feeling of loss, and what it’s like to come to the realization that someone you loved and committed your life to is no longer the same person you married. The face you once knew so well, now seems like a total stranger, the characteristics you were once attracted to can no longer be found.

In my private reflection, it became clear to me that even though few of us will ever have this exact experience, there are times in our marriages where we see our spouse as a completely different person than the one we pledged to love forever. Someone we no longer recognize. Someone who has changed almost overnight. Someone who no longer seems perfect for us.

It’s devastating.

And we feel as though everything we thought we were creating was for nothing.

As a relationship coach, I’m challenged to help my clients make sense of the things happening in their relationships that defy explanation. I help women find the purpose and the blessing in the challenges they face. I provide strategies and tools to help people transform the way they see themselves, their relationships, and the experiences of their lives.

With this perspective, there are three things I would say to Kris Jenner, or any woman who now feels as though the husband she once knew and loved may no longer exist:

1. You are amazing and worthy of what you desire.

So many times when things go wrong in our relationships, we think that we have failed or that there is something wrong with us. We wonder how we didn’t see the problems coming, or why we ignored the signs when they first appeared. It’s important to remember that you are doing the best you can. There is nothing wrong with you. If you can really believe that you are amazing, and worthy of what you desire, you will believe it’s possible to have the type of relationship you want. And once you believe it’s possible, you will see the steps you need to take to get the outcome you want.

2. Focus on the one thing within your control.

Most of the time, how other people act has nothing to do with us. Even if they blame you, ignore you, or dismiss you, that behavior says more about how they feel about themselves than you. As women, we constantly seek the approval of those we love. But the reality is, you will never to be able to control how someone reacts to you. It’s much more productive to focus your time, energy, and attention on the only thing that is within your control – yourself. Are you doing your best? Are your intentions in the right place? Are you finding ways to work on yourself?

3. Everything is unfolding as it should.

This is often one of the hardest things to see. We fight with reality and want things to be the way they used to be, or wish our life was more like the way we imagined. In doing so, we fail to live in the moment, and learn the lesson or grow in the ways our very situation is trying to get us to do. If we can accept that “it is what it is” and that what it is, will work out for our good, we can rest in peace and know that we will end up better and stronger. And we can do the work required to become the person we were created to be.

I’d love to hear what you think! Leave a comment, or email me at

If you could relate to this post and need some help making sense of the challenges in your own relationship, I’d love to support you. This month, I’m offering a free 30 minute Marriage Makeover coaching session. No obligations. No strings attached. I hope you’ll take advantage!




Marriage Problems: 5 Things to Do When Times Get Tough



As I hung up the phone, I could feel the anger swelling up inside of me. I had tried my best to be calm and nice. I had even practiced what I was going to say and the tone of my voice. I was trying to reach out. And I really didn’t want to. But this was my marriage. He was my husband. And I knew that in moments like this, I had to make the effort to connect.

I asked “is there something wrong?” He had left for work and barely said goodbye.

And now, I could tell that he was not ready to talk about whatever was bothering him. The conversation was going nowhere. I felt rejected after reaching out, and my feelings were hurt.

In that space, a million negative thoughts tried to creep into my mind.

This is ridiculous.

He’s such a jerk.

Why do I always have to be the one trying?

This is too hard.

I’m exhausted.

Nothing I do matters.

My mind was flooded with all the things he was doing wrong.

Maybe you’ve been there too. I know many of my clients have similar marriage problems. And we all know that it takes hard work to create and maintain a strong marriage. When we have disagreements, and feel hurt and rejected, the best way to open up your heart to your husband again is to recreate the story going on in your mind. Waiting for him to say the right thing at the right time is not always going to happen.

In this instance, I could have chosen to stay mad all day, and when he returned home, I could have given him the silent treatment. We’d spend the evening trying to ignore each other, saying as few words as possible, avoiding eye contact and any interaction. Or, I could choose to stop blaming him, look at myself, and create an experience that would give me peace and reduce my own stress and anxiety.

So I learned to say the right things myself. And I practiced these things over and over again. These are the same strategies I use with my clients going through similar issues. And if you can commit to trying them out, I’m sure you’ll see some important changes in how you view your marriage and your husband during some those difficult times. Here are 5 things to do when marriage problems arise and things get really tough:

1. Give him the benefit of the doubt.

So much of what causes us upset has to do with the story we tell ourselves. When you are experiencing a rough patch in your marriage, it seems like your husband is your enemy. That he spends his time thinking of ways to get on your nerves, make you upset, and disregard what you need. What may really be a simple oversight on his part is now a flat out attack on you. I remember early in my own relationship where if my husband was running late from work, I could easily find a reason to cut him some slack, and it was easy to believe that it wasn’t his fault. But in the times when things are not so great, his lateness can easily become a total inconsideration for how I could use his help here at home, if I let it. I could decide that it’s easier to point the finger at his wrong-doing rather than giving him the benefit of the doubt.

What I have found though, is that is takes about the same amount of time to find fault as it does to create compassion. As women, it’s natural for us to want to make sense of everything we experience, and we are already searching for some explanation to hold on to. So, you can choose to come up with reasons that lead you to believe that he just doesn’t care, or you can come up with reasons that give your husband grace and mercy. I know I would want the latter for myself. So give him the benefit of the doubt, believe he does want to be helpful, and loving and kind. Find evidence that you are on the same team and that he really is your best friend, there for you when you need him, and has your best interests at heart. And by giving him the benefit of the doubt, you always win.

2. Make a list of some of his good qualities.

No matter how quickly we can think of all the negatives – the ways he is not meeting our expectations, the things we want to change, the habits he has that annoy us to no end, our husbands still have many redeemable qualities, if we choose to remember them. You can start with anything that’s positive – maybe he takes out the trash or keeps the cars serviced, maybe he’s a good father, a good son, maybe he remembers birthdays and anniversaries, works hard to support the family, or perhaps he just comes home every night.

Whatever positive qualities you can think of will move you in the right direction, even if it’s the smallest little thing that you have to dig really deep to find. It’s worth the effort – not for him, but for you. In the moments where your heart is racing, the tears are welling up, and you are in total despair, thinking about what’s still good about your spouse will literally cause a change in your bodily response. I know sometimes it seems like the negatives outweigh the positives, but that’s usually not the case. If your ultimate desire is to have a happy and strong marriage, then being able to focus on what’s working and what’s great about your spouse is an essential skill to practice. For every negative thing you think, challenge yourself to come up with three positives that you know to be true.

 3. Ask yourself an empowering question.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this a few times before, but it’s definitely worth repeating. So often we are quick to ask ourselves disempowering questions. You know, the one’s like, “Why does he have to be like that?” “Why can’t he just do the right thing?” “Why am I always the bad guy?” “Why does everything have to be so hard?” When we ask these kinds of negative questions, we get negative answers like – “because he’s so selfish, because he only thinks about himself, because he blames you for everything, because this is a bad marriage.” And when you get these answers, it’s really easy to continue on a downward spiral that’s hard to dig yourself out of.

Instead, ask yourself an empowering question – one that opens the door to new possibilities, different ways of seeing things, ones that are more productive and that move you forward in a positive direction. Here are some examples, “What is something about him that I fell in love with that’s still true?” “What’s a time in the past that I really felt cared for?” “When did he forgive me for something I did wrong?” “How can I become a better person out of this experience?” I love empowering questions so much that I created a FREE resource to share some of my favorites. It’s called 21 Days of Empowering Questions. I invite you to commit to asking yourself one of these questions every day over the next 21 days. You’ll see yourself, your husband and marriage in a whole new way. Click here to get your copy ==> 21 Days of Empowering Questions

4. Look at what you really want.

Usually behind any anger and frustration is a deeper desire to be loved, heard and accepted. We get upset when we feel ignored, or disregarded or unimportant. We feel hurt when our effort is not returned, when our feelings are not acknowledged, when we don’t feel appreciated. But I’ll ask, how do you communicate this to your spouse? I see that many of us withdraw, or yell and argue, or become completely indifferent. We act in ways that push our husband farther away rather than drawing him in. If we could look honestly at what we really want – to be paid attention to, to be let in, to offer and receive support – then we could express ourselves in ways that bring us closer rather than pull us apart.

The unfortunate thing is that we have been conditioned to first protect ourselves. If he doesn’t do it, then we have to do it ourselves which leads us not to depend on him. If he disappoints us, we learn to not have any expectations and believe he’ll never do anything for us. If he’s not demonstrating love, we take our love away and withhold any efforts to be caring and kind. I believe we receive what we give. If you want more love, be more loving. If you want him to really hear you, first listen to him. If you want appreciation, show gratitude again and again. So, right now, think about what you want most in your marriage. Is it love, respect, kindness, appreciation, support, help? Whatever it is, get very clear. And then find ways every day to be that quality, go out of your way to demonstrate that quality to your husband. And go the extra mile. Remember, you get what you give. If your own actions are not aligned with what you value and want out of your relationship, how will it ever become a reality?

5. Reach out, even when you don’t want to.

“But why should I?” you may be asking. I know it feels like you are the one making all the effort. But you are reading this post because you want to get through the tough times in your marriage. And it’s likely that what you’ve been doing (not communicating, withdrawing, doing your own thing) have not really helped any situation get better. It creates more disconnection, and leaves your marriage vulnerable for more problems. I know that when you are angry and are feeling hurt, the last thing you want to do is put yourself out there. You don’t feel safe, you are worried about being rejected, or that he’ll still blame you. All of that is rooted in fear.

Fear can immobilize us.

Fear can destroy us.

Fear causes us to focus on what’s best for me instead of what’s best for us.

I love the bible verse that states, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” 1 John 4:18. If you are afraid of being rejected, scared of being vulnerable, and worried that your efforts won’t make a difference, it’s likely that you are not doing much to make your situation better. And as a result, you remain in conflict, you continue to be distant, and you stay in some form of pain.

But ask yourself, is the possibility of a different reality worth being courageous – taking a step toward him, despite the fear? Have you ever considered in those moments where neither of you are being very loving toward each other, that both of you want the same thing?





If you take the first step in reaching out, there is the possibility that it will be reciprocated. It’s possible that the tension will subside. It’s possible that in your one step, he will then take two.

It’s important to realize that what’s happening in our marriages is the result of 1,000 little decisions every day. And a tiny decision to remain upset, or to withdraw made over and over again has huge consequences. At the same time, the smallest effort to move closer again and again can leave you with huge rewards.

On that day, I made the decision to send a simple text as my husband’s work day was coming to an end. It said:

“Hope you had a good day at work.”

And that was it. It was a simple and true statement. I did hope he had a good day at work.

That small gesture opened the door to compassion, understanding and an important conversation. What small gesture will you commit to making during a tough time in your marriage?

If this has been helpful, please let me know by leaving a comment, signing up for our email list, or by sharing this post with someone else!

Did this topic really strike a chord with you?

Did you feel like I was speaking directly to you and your marriage problems?

Do you find yourself wanting to go back to the time where your marriage was really happy?

Do you want to reconnect with your husband and capture the love you once had? Are you longing to feel cared for, appreciated and understood?

I’ve know how exhausting and stressful that place can be. I also know that there are specific things you can do right now to turn things around.

The truth is, we all have a decision to make when things get tough in our relationships.

If you are tired of watching your marriage unravel right before your eyes and want to learn how to change things – how to communicate effectively, how to break the bad habits of interacting with each other, let me show you how.

You deserve to be happy.

I am offering a free Marriage Makeover Coaching Session for the first 25 women who sign up and are serious about creating a happier more loving marriage. This session is designed just for you. Your husband does not have to participate. I’ll learn about what’s happening and offer my best advice for how you can move forward toward the marriage you want to have. To schedule your complimentary session, click the link below and select the time that works best for you.


Feel free to share as much information as you feel is helpful, the more I know about what you would like to change, the more we can accomplish together.  I look forward to talking with you soon.


Yours in relating well,






A Relationship UpDate for You…


Let’s face it. We know spending quality time with our mate is important. We want to connect. We want to feel close. But time just never seems to be on our side. There’s always something else that has to get done right now. When we get home from work we are too exhausted or are rushing to get dinner ready and the kids off to bed. If we do get a free moment, all we want to do is kick our feet up, watch a little TV and relax because in just a few hours, we have to do it all over again.

I get it.

And at the same time, I see how the busyness of life can slowly creep in and create distance in our relationships. Distance that after a while becomes total disconnection.

At our recent UpDate Couple’s Event, we spent time guiding couples through a fun activity that helped them see the quick and simple ways they do connect with each other, as well as new ideas for how to keep their connection going strong. We got such great feedback that I wanted to share it with you.

It’s called UpDate BINGO. And the premise is simple. Take a look at the activities listed and find the ones you both do on a regular basis – whatever regular looks like for you. If you get BINGO, or UPDATE in this case, you win! Now of course, the most important point is to take a look at the healthy practices you have in place. And I’ll challenge you to select 1 thing you were not able to cross off the list and make it a priority in your relationship this week.

Download it now: UpDate BINGO

If you want to come to the next UpDate, let us know! Email us to be added to the guest list!


Relationship High: 5 Ways to Keep the Good Times Going


Whether you attended our recent UpDate Couple’s Event, or not, you’ve probably had a high point in your relationship in the not too distant past. A point where you really enjoyed each other’s company. Where you felt really connected. Where you were able to communicate effectively. A time when you were just really happy.

Now, we’re not going to pretend like every day is like that, but wouldn’t it be great to make those really great moments last for as long as they can? We think so. Here are 5 tips to help you keep riding the wave of a good time in your relationship:

1. Appreciate what’s right.

UpDate is all about celebrating what’s great in your relationship. It’s a night to let go of any issues and to focus on the positives, what you love most about each other, what you appreciate about each other, the ways you are growing stronger and better together. Focusing in on what’s good is a critical step in maintaining a great relationship. When things go wrong, it’s easy to spiral out of control with an endless list of issues, past and present. If you can get to a place of reminding yourself of the really amazing things about your relationship, it will help keep you in the right frame of mind.

2. Keep the lines of communication open.

When life gets busy, it’s so easy for your other responsibilities to take priority over your relationship. And you probably think you’ll reconnect when “things settle down.” Well, usually, things don’t ever really settle down, there is always something that needs your immediate attention. Keeping the lines of communication open doesn’t have to be a major production. It can be as simple as having a question of the day that you spend 5 minutes thinking and talking about. Here are some examples:

How are we doing?

What can I do to help you out this week?

What’s something you want me to pay more attention to?

What’s something you are grateful for today?

And if you have ever attended an UpDate event, you’ve seen firsthand how helpful these simple questions can be to nurturing your relationship.

3. Start a new ritual.

Let’s be honest, sometimes you need to add something a little new to the mix. There are so many quick and easy practices that can give your relationship new and exciting energy. Maybe it’s sending each other a daily love text, hiding thank you notes around the house, watching a tv show together, creating a monthly relationship motto, a new way of greeting each other in the morning, the options are endless. But taking a moment to create a new and FUN habit that you both will enjoy and look forward to, will certainly keep those good feelings going strong.

4. Set a relationship goal.

As successful adults, we have set and achieved many goals. There may be specific goals you are working toward right now, professional goals, financial goals, weight loss goals and others. What are your relationship goals? Whether you have written them down or not, had a conversation or not, there are things floating around in your mind that you’d like to achieve for your relationship. Maybe it’s spending more time alone together, maybe it’s having more sex or greater intimacy, perhaps it’s spending less time on social media and more time talking to each other. Whatever it is, maybe now is a good time to have a conversation about what you want to work to accomplish together as a couple. And make sure you build in some way to celebrate small and big milestone in getting to that goal.

5. Move towards each other.

The activities at this past UpDate were influenced by the 7 Principals for Making Marriage Work by Dr. John Gottman. One of those principals is moving towards each other, or intentionally connecting with your partner. Sometimes we get so stuck in our own head, we don’t always remember that we are together because we want to be. At the end of the day, you are two people who love each other deeply, even though you don’t always see eye to eye, and despite the ways you don’t always meet each other’s expectations and needs. It only takes a second to distance yourselves from each other, and that initial space can grow exponentially with each passing day. Just one tiny gesture of turning towards each other, instead of away from each other can make a HUGE difference. Ask about each other’s day and really listen, sit closer to each other on the couch, turn off the computer or TV, eat dinner together, kiss each other goodbye. One simple step forward can lead to even better and easier steps down the road.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! What things have you done or heard about that help keep a relationship going in the right direction? Leave a comment and let me know!


While InFertility: 3 Lessons the Child You’re Dreaming of Needs You to Learn


This week is National Infertility Awareness Week. As someone who experienced infertility, I know firsthand what it is like to want nothing more than to bring a child into this world. I won’t ever forget what it felt like month after month, negative test after negative test to have your dreams slip father and father from your grasp. I’ve cried myself to sleep. And I’ve cried myself awake wondering when the pain and disappointment would come to an end.

Still, through my journey to conceive, I believed that God was very busy behind the scenes, working this out for my good. I knew there was a purpose for this delay, that on the other side, I would be a better person, and most importantly, a better mother. In those moments, where I was able to see that infertility was not something that was happening to me, but as something that was happening for me, I could recapture my peace and the hope it would all make sense in the end. I knew that I was going to have an extraordinary child, and because of that, I needed to become an extraordinary mother.

Now, when I look into my daughter’s eyes, I see all that I want to be for her. There were lessons I was meant to learn and areas where I needed to grow that are now so abundantly clear. She was always speaking to me, through the 2-week waits and hormone injections, through the unhelpful words and unsolicited advice from those who just didn’t understand, through the countless tears and numerous prayers, she was that quiet little voice showing me the ways I was becoming stronger and telling me everything would work itself out.

For those of you who are still on the way to building your family, the child you’ve been dreaming of is speaking to you, rooting for you, and hoping you’ll learn all you can now to become the parent he or she needs you to be. This experience is stretching and pushing you to develop and evolve in ways you never would otherwise. Your future child, the one you already know and love, is speaking to you. And if you are really listening, here are three things you would hear them saying to you:

Life may not always be fair. There will be experiences in our lives that just don’t make sense in a way we could ever understand. Amazing and wonderful people just like you sometimes have devastating things happen. It seems unfair. It looks like you can’t catch a break. You may think that you are being punished. You may ask, how much more can one person take? This habit of negative thinking, and asking “why me?” doesn’t result in much except that you feel a little bit worse. It’s alright to go there for a moment. But try not to get stuck there. When we enter this world, we are not promised a path that will be easy, and a life that goes according to our plans. The sooner you can accept and fully embrace this reality, the easier it will be to remain at peace. You learn to release anger and resentment that things should have turned out a different way. Then you can focus your energy on making the best of what you have right in front of you now.

Try not to compare your life to someone else’s. It’s really easy to look at others and think that their life is better than yours because they have something you want. But the reality is you don’t know their exact journey, the challenges they faced, the obstacles they had to overcome. You’re actually creating a story in your head about their life that is not truly based in reality. As an onlooker to someone else’s life, you only see part of the picture. And because of that, you tell yourself they are luckier, their life must be so great, or even worse – they don’t deserve what they have and that you are much more worthy. Being jealous of what someone else has doesn’t serve you well. Their fertility, unplanned pregnancy, or parenting decisions have nothing to do with you, and honestly, is just none of your business. When you find yourself in this place, gently shift to thinking more about your life, and all the things you have that someone else might be wishing for. A wise man once said, “The grass is greener where you water it.” So learn now, to water your own life with things that help you grow.

You can still be happy now. Happiness is everything great in your life at this moment. If you are waiting until a child arrives to complete your life or to make you happy, you are missing out on the opportunity to experience all that can bring you happiness now. And now is the only moment you have. Many people believe that happiness is the result of something happening in their life – an external circumstance. But the fact is, happiness is a state of mind that is created through your own thoughts. If you tell yourself you won’t ever be happy until you get pregnant or have a child, then you won’t. But if you tell yourself that you will be happy and grateful, even through the uncertainty of your situation, you will be. This more positive mindset will immediately awaken your mind to all that is going right in your life. But so often we place so much weight on this one thing called infertility that we fail to see all that is alive and present in our life today.

None of this is easy, I know. You are hurting while you wait. But if you can turn your pain into strength, and let go of the anger, frustration, and disappointment, you create so much more room for joy, peace and hope…all the things your future child is waiting to receive.

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Showing Compassion in Our Relationships


I’ve been thinking a lot about one of the questions that was raised in my talk: “Not So Happily Ever After: 10 Keys to Getting the Relationship You Want.” It’s on the topic of Compassion. The audience member was acknowledging how kind and compassionate she can be towards other people (co-workers, distant friends, even strangers) and hard it is to show compassion to the people closest to us.

I could really relate to what she offered.

Sometimes, it is really hard to be compassionate towards our partners. Being around and living with someone day in and day out can create lots of hurt feelings, frustrations and resentment that make it nearly impossible to be kind and truly forgiving.

I’ll admit, I don’t remember exactly how I responded in the call, but the question continues to be on my heart. It’s an area that I, along with many of my clients, struggle with and is a place where I am constantly growing.

Listen, I could probably go on about this topic for pages and pages. It’s so important, I’ve dedicated an entire module to this concept in the Getting to Happily Program. But for now, I wanted to share 4 really important things I’ve learned so far.


1. Showing compassion, just like forgiveness, is a process, not an event.

Because showing compassion is ongoing, it requires a committed decision – one that you choose over and over again. There are some days you’ll get it right, and some days you won’t. Like any habit, it takes practice. So each day, look for small opportunities to show compassion. You know, look for those small annoyances that you can usually get over pretty quickly and choose compassion. Maybe he left a sink full of dirty dishes, maybe he stayed later at work than you expected, maybe he didn’t follow through on something. You can come up with your own example. The point here is to start the process of training yourself to be compassionate. It’s kind of like trying on a dress you are not really sure about. It caught your attention and looks so-so on the hanger, but you won’t really know if it works for you until you put it on. So today, try on compassion.


2. Showing compassion requires you examine your own mistakes.

One of the reasons it’s hard to show compassion to our partners is because they have disappointed us or let us down in some way. But one of the first steps in getting over our own hurt and upset is to put ourselves in their shoes and really understand how they might feel. It helps to identify a time where you have disappointed or let your partner down. I’m not suggesting you compare apples to oranges, but really think about a time when you disappointed him. How did you feel? I’ll take a guess and assume you felt pretty badly. It’s tough to disappoint someone you care about. And sometimes, what’s tougher is knowing that you disappointed yourself. Another helpful question is, how did you want him to respond to you in that moment? Usually, the last thing you want to hear is about how wrong you were, how much you messed up, how you should have done something different. You have already had that conversation with yourself a thousand times and you don’t need the reminder. Chances are he feels the same way, even if he’s not showing it. For some people, apologizing or expressing remorse is really, really hard. They rather sweep it under the rug and turn it on you, instead of looking at themselves. That’s a coping mechanism, and sometimes, that’s all a person may know to do. I can almost guarantee that they feel bad about doing anything that leads you to be upset or angry in any way. Maybe there was a time where you also felt bad and didn’t show it. The takeaway here is that we all fall short at some point or another. And if you can tap into times where you have messed up and really wanted him to show you grace and compassion, it will make the process a little easier for you to do the same.


3. To show compassion, you have to stop taking things personally.

One of the biggest blocks to being compassionate are our own thoughts and the story we tell ourselves about a situation. When our partner does something we don’t like, or fails to do something we expect, we take it as a personal offence. “Well, he just doesn’t care about me, or he doesn’t want to help me, or what I need is not important to him.” We’re so good at creating these dramatic stories were he is the villain and we are the wronged party. Realizing that everything is not all about you is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Usually, and by that I mean 99% of the time, people’s actions or lack of action have to do with them, their own experiences, their own assumptions and expectations. Maybe he grew up thinking a certain way, maybe it’s his was of hiding his own shame and fear, maybe he feels inadequate. Who knows what’s really going on, but I can tell you what’s NOT going on. It’s NOT an intentional effort to disregard you or make you upset. But that’s what we tell ourselves, right? The sooner you can truly believe that you partner’s behavior has nothing to do with you, the more open you will be to compassion. Even if they are pointing the finger at you, it’s really about them. Do. Not. Take. It. Personally. Period.


4. To show compassion to others, you must show compassion to yourself.

It’s hard to show compassion when expectations are not met. And people who have the hardest time showing compassion usually have the highest expectations of others, and more importantly, of themselves. As women we are often driven by the image of perfection. We have to look a certain way, we have to own certain things by certain designers, we have to do this but we can’t do that…the list goes on and on. We are incredibly hard and unforgiving of ourselves. One key I find to unlocking our capacity to show compassion is to find the places on our relationship where we need to forgive and show compassion to ourselves. If we can accept the beauty of our humanity and embrace the wonderful opportunities in each mistake we make, how much easier will it be to do the same for someone who is so much a part of who we are as a person. I often say that the people we are in the most intimate relationship with are mirrors of ourselves. They reflect back to us the places where we need to learn, love and grow the most. So find that place of self-blame and shame in your relationship. Look at it will acceptance and appreciation, for it has contributed to the amazing person you are right now. You cannot go back and do it differently. You can only move forward with openness to the full and glorious process of compassion.

Questions or comments? I’m all ears!

Also, if you found this helpful, please share it with someone who could also benefit!

Yours in relating well,


After the Silent Treatment: 5 Strategies to Reconnecting



He was frustrated.

I felt unheard.

And the conversation ended with no resolution.

We didn’t really speak for the rest of the day.

In the silence, I filled my mind with a list of reasons why he was wrong and how unreasonable he was being.

He did the same.

Do you know how tense it is to be in the same house with someone all day and barely say five words to each other?

You avoid being in the same room. You avoid making eye contact. You avoid anything that would open the door to a conversation.

It feels pretty awful.


Why not Me?

There is nothing worse than desperately longing for a child while everyone else around you is getting pregnant. By accident. On the first try. And worse…unwanted. It’s like pouring salt into a 10 foot open wound. Jealousy is a natural feeling and you probably find yourself obsessing over the fact that you deserve a child even more than those around you. You should be first. You’ve been married longer. You’re in a better position to be able to care for a child.

The question, “why not me?” comes up often. And then you feel worse about your situation.

As hard as it is to accept, asking that question and countless other similar ones, is probably not serving you well. The funny thing is that when we ask the question, “why not me?” our brain will actually go to work to find the answer. Some of those answers might be “you’re too old”, “your eggs are poor quality”, “you’re prone to miscarry”, “you’re being punished” and the list goes on.
A while ago, I learned the concept of asking empowering questions as a way to open my mind to not only accept the reality of my situation, but to shift my perspective to one that made me feel good about the place where I was. Here are 5 questions I encourage you to ask yourself:


10 Tips to Help You Stop Obsessing About Becoming Pregnant

For sure, it seems nearly impossible to stop obsessing about pregnancy while dealing with infertility. Babies are all around you. You spend countless hours in the doctor’s office checking this, assessing that – all in the hopes of having the sperm meet the egg. Here are some ideas for how to get pregnancy off your mind, or at least deal with it in a more healthy way.

1. Make a list of the positives.
Literally write down everything that you are grateful for. If you can stretch yourself, also write down the things you are able to do now without the added responsibility of a new child. Really try to appreciate your life, just as it is right now. It may sound cliché, but it really does work. So much of our obsession and sadness comes from the belief “if only I had a child, my life would be complete.” Believing your that you life is wonderful and is unfolding exactly as it should can release you from being stuck in thinking life will not go on if you don’t get pregnant. This doesn’t mean that you stop hoping for a child, it just means your life is full of other amazing things that you have the time right now to really focus on and appreciate.


Best Responses to the Question: “When are you going to have kids??”

We’ve all had the moment where someone asks the question, “When are you going to have kids?” Depending on the person and the day, we may feel anger, frustration, sadness or uncertainty. Whether the question is expected or it comes as a complete surprise, it’s helpful to think ahead about how we might respond. If you have a partner, it’s also important that you present a united front and are on the same page with what you share and with whom.

Remember, you are in the driver’s seat and you can choose not to respond at all. For those times when you do want to respond, below are some of the best ones we could find. Depending on your mood and the situation, hopefully one or more will work for you.


How to Be Yourself: 3 Things to Think About

I’m a bit of a chameleon, and can adapt easily to different settings and groups of people. You probably are too. You have your work persona, your home persona and then your social persona. Each a slightly remixed version of yourself; each complete with an underlying desire to meet approval and be accepted. All that “fitting in” can, at times, leave you disconnected to the core of who you really are.