Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 71: Let It Go (Part I)

Too many people go through their marriages confined in the space of negative experiences. You don’t have to be one of them. It takes energy to make positive things happen. Holding onto an undesirable past or present takes up too much mental and emotional space and energy. So, how do you get to that point where the past no longer holds you back, and you’re able to build a marriage that you want.  

In this episode, I share three powerful questions to ask yourself to learn the deep impact of holding on to these things and why you haven’t let go. I want you to reflect on these questions from a space of curiosity and depth. Next week I will share with you very specific strategies that you can implement to experience freedom on the other side of this mindset work.     

If you want to take this work deeper and you need some help with the specific challenges that you are facing in your marriage,  you can contact me directly for a Complimentary Consultation at and I will share with you exactly how to turn things around so that you can make your marriage good again.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 70: Creating a “Good Again” Marriage

No one expects their marriage to arrive at a place where things are not good. We all want a marriage that feels amazing and one that is happy. If you are on a journey to make your marriage good again, this episode is for you. I break down exactly how marriages become “not good” and then share with you the exact 5 areas to focus on in order to get your marriage back on track.

Want my help in doing this work step-by-step? Visit my website, to book a live two-way conversation with me, where you will have my undivided attention and my insight on everything happening in your marriage and I will share with you exactly how to turn things around so that you can make your marriage good again. 

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 69:Why‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Life‌ ‌Seems‌ ‌Worse‌ ‌Off ‌(Mini-Series‌ ‌Part‌ ‌3)

Today is the final part of the mini-series and we will be exploring why your life seems worse off because of your marriage. I know that it may feel that everything that is wrong about your marriage may require your husband to change somehow to make those things better but I want you to check in with yourself about three things and assess how you’re seeing things in your own situation. It is possible that a revision of how you respond or react can make all the difference.    

And after tuning in, if you believe that you could be better and need some help with creating that experience, reach out to me. I can definitely help you. Just visit my website, to book your FREE 1-hour call today.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 68:Why You Are So Miserable ‌(Mini-Series‌ ‌Part‌ ‌2)

Welcome to part 2 of the mimi series! In today’s episode, we will dive into why you may be feeling so miserable in your marriage. Feeling unhappy in a marriage is normal. All relationships have ups and downs. However, this should not be the overwhelming emotion that you feel in your marriage on a regular basis. I want to share with you three reasons why you are so miserable in your marriage and offer some ways that you can challenge yourself to change your perspective on the issue that is causing you to feel empty, sad, heavy, lonely, etc. I want you to know that , you actually have a choice and you can choose not to feel miserable.

 If you’d like some more help with this and would like to have a live conversation to learn more about my coaching style and to see how I can offer you a different pathway forward, please visit my website, to book your FREE 1-hour call today.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 67: ‌‌Why‌ ‌You‌ ‌Are‌ ‌Stuck‌ ‌(Mini-Series‌ ‌Part‌ ‌1)

Hello and welcome back to another episode. You are in for a treat because today’s episode  kicks off part1 of a three part mini series breaking down 3 of the most common experiences people have when their marriage feels like it’s fallen off track. 

The mini series will cover the following topics:

Part 1. Why You Feel Stuck

Part 2.  Why You Feel Miserable

Part 3.Why Your Life is Worse Off  

In today’s episode, Why you feel stuck, I will reveal to you the one and only reason you continue to feel stuck in your marriage. I then share exactly what you need to think about and get really clear on in order to move yourself forward. 

And if you are looking to hire a coach and want more of my help in doing the things that work in improving your marriage, reach out for a complimentary consultation. Simply visit my website, to book your FREE 1-hour call today.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 66: When He’s Cold and Distant

If you are wondering how to respond to your husband who has grown cold and distant, this is the podcast episode for you. I know it feels like a lonely time and that the answer is to just have your husband snap out of it. However, there are things you could be doing to either help the situation or hurt it. In this episode, I share with you a specific perspective to take and effective tools that you can use to start reconnecting with your husband today.

Remember, marriage is a marathon, it is not a sprint. This is a lifetime journey and it will take time to create and build the marriage of your dreams if you’ve somehow veered off track. If you need additional support with managing your emotions and processing your feelings to be able to grow your marriage to a 10 out of 10, I can help you with that. You can contact me directly for a FREE, 1 hour, complimentary consultation at to talk about working together.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 65: Exacerbated Issues

So often we exacerbate issues by making a circumstance worse than it really is simply by layering on so much more to the facts than necessary. This causes a situation to be heavier, harder and more difficult than it needs to be. When we react to these exacerbations we say things that are unkind and accusatory because we are feeling angry, disrespected, hurt or rejected for something that may not be true. The result of this is distance between you and your spouse, more exacerbated issues and a never ending cycle of hurt and pain.

I want to share with you some practical ways to end this cycle by offering you some ways to think about these situations differently. Once you can shift the way you view a situation that causes you to feel so much hurt, stress, frustration and aggravation just imagine what that can open you up to experience instead such as ease, peace and relaxation.  

If you find that you can use my help maintain a more productive mindset in this area, please contact me for a free 1 hour consultation at I am here to help you grow your thinking and create more effective and better solutions that work for you.


Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 64: Clean and Clear Decisions

How do you know if you are making decisions from a place of clarity? When it comes to your marriage you might currently be in a space where you feel that your decision to stay is cloudy or muddy. If that is you, listen in as I introduce the concept of clean and clear decisions to help you frame your decision making process. I will be sharing with you 5 components that clean and clear decisions are not and the positive byproducts that you will enjoy with making decisions from a place of clarity. Press play to join the conversation.  

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 63: When You Want Your Husband to Change

Today we will be discussing a very common desire among many of us. And that is our desire for our husbands to change. It seems like THE answer to so many things in our marriage. 

I’m going to share with you four very specific things that I have personally tried that have helped to spark change in my own marriage and ONE MAJOR realization that changed everything for me.  led me to a place of contentment, peace, love, and the opportunity to focus on growth in order to evolve and change to accommodate the marriage that I want. If you were inspired by this insight and want to take this work deeper, you can contact me directly for a Complimentary Consultation at

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 62: Emotional Training

Today I would like to introduce the concept of Emotional Training. This concept can be compared to working out. You build muscles because you push yourself beyond what is comfortable and then the muscle gets stronger and bigger and you’re more lean. It is the same for emotional training. It is the idea that you are willing to push yourself past what feels comfortable in order for you to grow and for the growth of your marriage. The more expansive you are in your emotions, the more life you get to experience. The benefits are endless.

In this episode I share three powerful questions to ask yourself. Listen in to learn more.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 61: The Growth Effect

We don’t often have the full awareness of our impact on our husband and on the dynamics within the marriage. We are never taught how to truly self-reflect and use that for our growth. Today we will be discussing the Growth Effect and exploring the new outcomes you can create in your life/marriage as a result of your own growth. Nothing new can happen without growth. In order to go from where you are now, something has to change. Your growth matters to your marriage.

Tune in to learn how to identify your growth and start making positive changes today.

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne Podcast

Episode 60: Radical Responsibility

Hello there! I am so happy to be back and to be spending this time with you. Today I want to share with you the concept of Radical Responsibility. Radical Responsibility is you taking full ownership of the experience you have, the result you create, or dynamics between you and your husband. This is not something we are taught, or wired to WANT to do. But when we do embrace radical responsibility, so much good can come of it. It becomes the greatest source of your own empowerment.

Listen in as we take a deep dive into Radical Responsibility. I’ll be sharing why we don’t want to do it, the benefits of doing it, how to actually apply this concept to your own life and marriage.


What to Do When Your Marriage is Failing

You don’t need anyone to show you what to do.
You are already brilliant and highly capable.
You need someone to show you how to think.
Then the doing part is so much easier.
The first couple of business coaches I hired gave me all the strategy, all the checklists and all templates.
All the things to DO.
And I learned a ton from them.
But my results didn’t change that much.
It wasn’t until I came across a coach that showed me how to think that everything changed.
And now I rarely ask anyone to tell me what to do.
Can you imagine that for yourself right now?
I’m sure you’ve been wondering what to do about the communication issues between you and your husband.
You’re wondering what to do in order to rebuild a connection.
You’re wondering what to do so you can be on the same page about important issues and feel like a team.
You’re wondering what to do so that he will finally listen and pay attention to what you need.
And there will be no shortage of people around to tell you what to do.
But in me, you will find someone who will show you how to think.
I’ll tell you to stop focusing on what your husband is doing wrong, and to think about all that’s within your power to do right.
I’ll tell you to think about what you want and what’s actually possible for your marriage as opposed to focusing on all the problems and what’s happened in the past.
I’ll tell you to think about the ways you are not showing up as your best and how that’s contributing to your unhappiness more than anything outside of you.
I’ll tell you to think about how much of your fulfillment you’ve placed in his actions, and how you can powerfully choose to take responsibility for your own emotional life.
How you think makes all the difference for how and what you do to improve your marriage.
If your right actions have not been getting you the right results, take a closer look at the thinking that’s driving you.
P.S. I created a powerful download for you to help manage your thinking during this time. It’s called 13 Beliefs to Hold on to When Marriage Gets Tough. 
Download it below for free.
CLICK HERE to get your 13 Beliefs Audio!
P.P.S. When you are unhappy in your marriage it can feel impossible to think like a woman who is actually happy in her marriage.
You don’t even know where to start.
In my 1-on-1 coaching program, one of the first things we will do is have you envision yourself in the kind of marriage that you deeply desire to have.
We do a series of exercises to get right into the mind of that version of yourself who has all the answers so that you rely on her thought process instead of your current one.
Then I guide you, week-by-week to becoming her by making powerful shifts in the way that you think and make decisions, so that over time you actually become that woman who is happy in her marriage.
It’s an amazing thing.