
What to Do When Your Marriage is Failing

You don’t need anyone to show you what to do.
You are already brilliant and highly capable.
You need someone to show you how to think.
Then the doing part is so much easier.
The first couple of business coaches I hired gave me all the strategy, all the checklists and all templates.
All the things to DO.
And I learned a ton from them.
But my results didn’t change that much.
It wasn’t until I came across a coach that showed me how to think that everything changed.
And now I rarely ask anyone to tell me what to do.
Can you imagine that for yourself right now?
I’m sure you’ve been wondering what to do about the communication issues between you and your husband.
You’re wondering what to do in order to rebuild a connection.
You’re wondering what to do so you can be on the same page about important issues and feel like a team.
You’re wondering what to do so that he will finally listen and pay attention to what you need.
And there will be no shortage of people around to tell you what to do.
But in me, you will find someone who will show you how to think.
I’ll tell you to stop focusing on what your husband is doing wrong, and to think about all that’s within your power to do right.
I’ll tell you to think about what you want and what’s actually possible for your marriage as opposed to focusing on all the problems and what’s happened in the past.
I’ll tell you to think about the ways you are not showing up as your best and how that’s contributing to your unhappiness more than anything outside of you.
I’ll tell you to think about how much of your fulfillment you’ve placed in his actions, and how you can powerfully choose to take responsibility for your own emotional life.
How you think makes all the difference for how and what you do to improve your marriage.
If your right actions have not been getting you the right results, take a closer look at the thinking that’s driving you.
P.S. I created a powerful download for you to help manage your thinking during this time. It’s called 13 Beliefs to Hold on to When Marriage Gets Tough. 
Download it below for free.
CLICK HERE to get your 13 Beliefs Audio!
P.P.S. When you are unhappy in your marriage it can feel impossible to think like a woman who is actually happy in her marriage.
You don’t even know where to start.
In my 1-on-1 coaching program, one of the first things we will do is have you envision yourself in the kind of marriage that you deeply desire to have.
We do a series of exercises to get right into the mind of that version of yourself who has all the answers so that you rely on her thought process instead of your current one.
Then I guide you, week-by-week to becoming her by making powerful shifts in the way that you think and make decisions, so that over time you actually become that woman who is happy in her marriage.
It’s an amazing thing.