
Why not Me?

There is nothing worse than desperately longing for a child while everyone else around you is getting pregnant. By accident. On the first try. And worse…unwanted. It’s like pouring salt into a 10 foot open wound. Jealousy is a natural feeling and you probably find yourself obsessing over the fact that you deserve a child even more than those around you. You should be first. You’ve been married longer. You’re in a better position to be able to care for a child.

The question, “why not me?” comes up often. And then you feel worse about your situation.

As hard as it is to accept, asking that question and countless other similar ones, is probably not serving you well. The funny thing is that when we ask the question, “why not me?” our brain will actually go to work to find the answer. Some of those answers might be “you’re too old”, “your eggs are poor quality”, “you’re prone to miscarry”, “you’re being punished” and the list goes on.
A while ago, I learned the concept of asking empowering questions as a way to open my mind to not only accept the reality of my situation, but to shift my perspective to one that made me feel good about the place where I was. Here are 5 questions I encourage you to ask yourself:


10 Tips to Help You Stop Obsessing About Becoming Pregnant

For sure, it seems nearly impossible to stop obsessing about pregnancy while dealing with infertility. Babies are all around you. You spend countless hours in the doctor’s office checking this, assessing that – all in the hopes of having the sperm meet the egg. Here are some ideas for how to get pregnancy off your mind, or at least deal with it in a more healthy way.

1. Make a list of the positives.
Literally write down everything that you are grateful for. If you can stretch yourself, also write down the things you are able to do now without the added responsibility of a new child. Really try to appreciate your life, just as it is right now. It may sound cliché, but it really does work. So much of our obsession and sadness comes from the belief “if only I had a child, my life would be complete.” Believing your that you life is wonderful and is unfolding exactly as it should can release you from being stuck in thinking life will not go on if you don’t get pregnant. This doesn’t mean that you stop hoping for a child, it just means your life is full of other amazing things that you have the time right now to really focus on and appreciate.


Best Responses to the Question: “When are you going to have kids??”

We’ve all had the moment where someone asks the question, “When are you going to have kids?” Depending on the person and the day, we may feel anger, frustration, sadness or uncertainty. Whether the question is expected or it comes as a complete surprise, it’s helpful to think ahead about how we might respond. If you have a partner, it’s also important that you present a united front and are on the same page with what you share and with whom.

Remember, you are in the driver’s seat and you can choose not to respond at all. For those times when you do want to respond, below are some of the best ones we could find. Depending on your mood and the situation, hopefully one or more will work for you.


How to Be Yourself: 3 Things to Think About

I’m a bit of a chameleon, and can adapt easily to different settings and groups of people. You probably are too. You have your work persona, your home persona and then your social persona. Each a slightly remixed version of yourself; each complete with an underlying desire to meet approval and be accepted. All that “fitting in” can, at times, leave you disconnected to the core of who you really are.