
The Secret to Lasting Change

Change feels funny.
It’s different.

We experience something that is new to us, and our minds don’t know what to do.

I remember when things started to change in my own marriage.
I started wondering why my husband was acting differently.
Why he was being so kind and thoughtful and attentive to me.

I kept waiting for things to turn back to the way they were.

We had been in a place of stagnation and unhappiness for so long, my mind didn’t know how to experience being in a place of contentment and joy together.

It felt awkward.
I didn’t think it would last.
I’d walk around on egg shells not sure of how to be.

I had grown comfortable being upset.

And now I didn’t need to do or be those things anymore.
But I didn’t know how.

That’s the thing about change.
We don’t know how to do it.

We don’t know how to be someone that we’ve not been being.
We don’t know how to act in ways we’ve not yet acted.
We don’t know how to experience our life in marriage in a way different than what we’ve always done.

That’s because our minds, our emotions, our identity get very comfortable in a particular pattern.
That’s what we know.
That’s what we’ve grown used to.
That’s what feels familiar, even if it’s not what we want.

And so we continue, thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same feelings and being the same person we’ve learned to become.

But in order to experience the change we really desire, we have to become a person who can receive, embrace, and maintain that change.

That’s the hard part.
The’s the part you don’t know how to do yet.
That’s the part that feels uncomfortable and unlike everything you’ve been doing before.

And that’s the part I would love to help you with.

On Wednesday, December 5th, I’m hosting an online Masterclass entitled: How to Create Lasting Change: Set Yourself Up NOW for a Breakthrough in 2019.

I’m going to teach you how to be different in your mind.
I’m going to teach you how to be different in your actions.
I’m going to teach you how to be different in your whole being as a person.

Not that there’s anything wrong with you.
But there’s just so much that could be better with you.

Regardless of what’s happening in your life or marriage right now, you are being called to change.

You are being called do think and do things differently than you’ve ever had before.

And what got you to where you are now, will not serve you in where you are trying to go next.

This 90 Minute Online Masterclass is designed to help you create lasting change in your life and marriage.

Nothing about your life will change until you change.

That includes your relationship with money.
Your weight.
Your professional life.
The relationship with your husband.

That’s because most people begin to tackle change in their lives without first looking at the thoughts, emotions and sense of identity that lead to the results they are experiencing now.

So if you want to reduce your debt…
Want to lose 30 pounds…
Want to advance in your career…
Want to have a marriage that lights you up inside…

…all of the ingredients are the same, because they all start and end with you.


In this Masterclass, you will receive all the practical tools and mindset strategies to ensure that this time next year, you have developed new habits and achieved new goals that actually stick.


(you will receive a link to join the class virtually)

Specifically, I will be teaching you how to:

-Uncover and overcome your biggest blocks to success and happiness in your life and marriage

-Over-ride your self-sabotaging tendencies and generate motivation and discipline to do the things you know you should be doing

Quiet the negative self-talk and chatter that would normally have you doubting yourself and creating excuses so you can experience some of the great joys of life and marriage

-Create an internal accountability system that makes sticking to your goals automatic when you don’t get the support and encouragement you need and want

-Create realistic goals and improvement plan that will guarantee your success


Your Masterclass Registration includes:

-Live Masterclass (plus lifetime access to the recording)
-Q&A Session
-Coaching Workbook (Plus Year End Review, 2019 Action and Motivation Plan)
-Coaching and Accountability Call (held early 2019)




If you are looking for anything to be different in your life this time next year, you MUST attend this Masterclass.

You will learn things you didn’t even know you needed to know in order to create and maintain change.

I remember when I had my own ah-ha moment with this material.
It literally created a paradigm shift and completely changed how I looked at achieving anything great in my life.

I can’t wait to share it with you on December 5th.

I’m looking forward to seeing you there.

To real change you can maintain…

Dr. Chavonne

By Chavonne Perotte

Trained Researcher. Empathetic Listener. Passionate Speaker. Goal guider. Relationship Builder.
Dr. Chavonne Perotte is a public health researcher who, over the past 10 years, has developed a range of curricula on healthy relationships, and conducted educational trainings, interactive workshops, and large conferences. Chavonne received her doctorate in public health from the Johns Hopkins University and focused her research on sexual health. It was there that she discovered her passion for hearing people’s stories, writing about their lives and creating solutions for common relationship issues. Chavonne is a dynamic speaker who is able to use her experiences, skills and knowledge to inspire people to take action in their own lives. She is the founder and CEO of RelateABLE, a relationship development and coaching group that guides individuals in creating the relationships they want. She is also the owner of The Glamorous Life Events, a full scale event planning and management firm. An aspiring author, Chavonne is currently working on a book that supports couples in effectively navigating infertility. Chavonne grew up in Northern Virginia and now lives in New Jersey where she enjoys her roles as a wife and new mother.