
Had a Disappointing 2018? Read this now.

We have just 26 days left in 2018.


How will you end the year?

Will you have the feeling of yet again, having the same goals and same resolutions, but little to show in terms of change?

Or will you look back at this year and feel like you made progress on the things that were really important to you?

Here are some of the most common goals I’m sure you have as a woman:

*Reducing debt and saving more.
*Losing weight and maintaining it.
*Developing a deeper relationship with God.
*Being more understanding and in control of your emotions.
*Communicating more effectively with your husband.
*Being a more present, loving and patient parent.
*Finding your purpose and operating in your passions.
*Rediscovering your identity and knowing who you truly are.
*Reducing stress and eliminating the feeling of constant overwhelm.

Right now, I want you to just rate yourself on each one of those goals above.

You can use a scale of 1-10, where 1 = not much success at all and 10 = an extremely high amount of success.

How did you do?

In the areas where you cannot say you’ve truly been successful, first, I want you to give yourself some grace and compassion.

Change, in any form, takes time.
It takes persistence.
It takes discipline.
It takes consistency.

But you know that already.

And you want to put in the time, you want to be persistent, you want to be more disciplined, and you want to finally be consistent.

I’m here to help you discover what’s really getting in the way. Because unfortunately, you’ve been missing that insight.

There are commons mistakes most people make when trying to achieve any goal or creating change in their life. Here they are:


#1. You lack clarity. 


The first things I’ll say about those goals above is that they are not goals at all. If yours look like these (either in your head or on paper somewhere) you’ve not thought deeply enough about what it is you want, and what it would look like to actually achieve it.

As a result, you’re already setting yourself up not to accomplish it. You’ve already put yourself at a disadvantage because you are reaching for something that doesn’t even exist. It’s an idea. A vague desire. And change in your life will never happen with those ingredients. Change that you can see, feel and experience requires that you first see it clearly, know what it’s like to feel it, and define what it’s like to experience it.


#2. You are not addressing the REAL cause of your lack of success. 


In achieving any change in your life or in your marriage, you will have days, weeks, and even months when things are not going the way you hoped. You’ll have times where your efforts are not creating change, or you fall back into your old habits. You’ll feel like you are not being successful and so you will want to just give up. You tell yourself the goal was unreasonable, and you backtrack.

That’s because underneath giving up on your goal, or believing the excuses you let keep you stuck, are a set of limiting beliefs and limited thinking about who you are and what you are capable of doing. Few people ever take the time to identify their beliefs around the areas they want to change, yet it is these very beliefs which are the drivers of your behaviors and results.

The reason you’ve not ever been completely successful before is not from lack of effort, or lack of desire. The reason you’ve not been successful before is that you have not broken through the self-limiting thoughts and self-sabotaging tendencies that keep you from real, tangible progress.

Every one of us have a set of core beliefs that determine if we will succeed or fail at something. Yet, when it comes to change we start at changing the behavior rather than changing the belief.  This is where you’ve been going wrong.


#3. You lose sight of the “why” or haven’t thought enough about it. 


As you look at the changes you want to make in your life, have you ever asked yourself why those things are so important to you? What would your life look like if those changes were achieved? How would you feel, what would be different about you, and how would you show up in the world? How would your life be better for having finally made the progress you want? What would success bring into your life that you don’t have right now?

We are so quick to just try to change things, and we skip the important step of looking deeply at why the change is critical and important. We know we need to do it, but on a very surface level. Your why will move you forward when motivation does not. Your why will give you the discipline you need to just keep going when it seems like nothing is happening. Your why will create a burning desire in you that won’t be stopped.

And once you understand your why, you have to keep it in plain view. It needs to be something you develop the habit of focusing your attention on, visualizing and thinking about each day.

When you have mastered this:

*Seeing your bank account full of money will be so much more important than that unnecessary purchase you want to make.

*That piece of dessert will pale in comparison to finally feeling comfortable in your skin.

*The peace that comes from an intimate relationship with God will be much more desirable than wasting time watching meaningless TV.

*Journaling your way to an internal sense of happiness will be so much more important than scrolling through social media, which often makes you feel like everyone’s life is better than yours.

*Having effortless communication with your husband will always trump your desire to be “right” and “make” him understand your point.

*Experiencing a calm, connected and peaceful relationship with your children will become your new normal instead of rushing them off and losing your temper when they don’t listen.

*Knowing with confidence that you are walking in your purpose and serving this world in the way God designed you to do will bring you a joy you’ve never known before.

*Looking in the mirror and being happy and in love with the person you see staring back at you will become so much easier than wearing the mask you have now, pretending that your life is wonderful when it’s not.

*Managing your stress and keeping calm in high-trigger situations will over-ride any desire to sink into perfectionistic tendencies and attempts to people-please those who don’t even matter in your life.

THIS is what change can bring you.

If you’re willing to do things differently.

This time you can actually do it, .

With the right new tools, the right new thinking, and the right new way of approaching your life, 2019 can be the year you finally get it right.

I’m ready to show you the way.

My Online Masterclass is TODAY.

Creating Change that Lasts: Set Yourself Up NOW for a Breakthrough in 2019.

There I will address how you can shift things within yourself so that you can finally shift things that need to change in your life.

I will teach you how to get super clear on what you want.

I will teach you how to transform your thinking so you can easily achieve the things you want.

I will teach you the specific techniques to keep you “why” in front of you at all times.

And you will finally look back on your life this time next year and be proud of the progress you made.

CLICK HERE for Details and to Sign Up Now! 




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To your lasting success,

Dr. Chavonne

By Chavonne Perotte

Trained Researcher. Empathetic Listener. Passionate Speaker. Goal guider. Relationship Builder.
Dr. Chavonne Perotte is a public health researcher who, over the past 10 years, has developed a range of curricula on healthy relationships, and conducted educational trainings, interactive workshops, and large conferences. Chavonne received her doctorate in public health from the Johns Hopkins University and focused her research on sexual health. It was there that she discovered her passion for hearing people’s stories, writing about their lives and creating solutions for common relationship issues. Chavonne is a dynamic speaker who is able to use her experiences, skills and knowledge to inspire people to take action in their own lives. She is the founder and CEO of RelateABLE, a relationship development and coaching group that guides individuals in creating the relationships they want. She is also the owner of The Glamorous Life Events, a full scale event planning and management firm. An aspiring author, Chavonne is currently working on a book that supports couples in effectively navigating infertility. Chavonne grew up in Northern Virginia and now lives in New Jersey where she enjoys her roles as a wife and new mother.